Conclusion Let’s sum up what we’ve achieved: Also remember that we have placed our different files related to the docker part inside a .devcontainer/ folder at the root of our PHP project which allows you to put it in a… Continue Reading →
Introduction to VSC: Visual Studio Code Maybe you don’t know VSC? Don’t panic, team Bichon will introduce you to him. Visual Studio Code is a free, extensible, open source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. This… Continue Reading →
mod_deflate.conf In the folder .devcontainer/docker/ you have created an empty file called mod_deflate.conf. Here are the contents to put in this file: We will explain its usefulness in the chapter “Dockerfile” just after the definition of the Dockerfile. This file… Continue Reading →
Your PHP project on which you want to develop Objective: create a simple php project that is representative of a PHP project you might be working on. This project will serve as a support for the rest of the tutorial…. Continue Reading →
NOTE: This blog post was first posted in 2019 on another blog site. Fed up with setting up an environment at each project startup? You change your PC, and you have to reinstall everything? Your development works on your PC… Continue Reading →
You are on a CentOS server, connected as a non-root user, for example here as the user owner of the tomcat installation folder, let’s call it mytomcatuser. And when you want to stop tomcat using the systemd tomcat.service then you… Continue Reading →
Just be careful, chatGPT is a black box, you don’t know how it resolves your question. Furthermore on a question when you lack some knowledge, your no able to evaluate the quality of the answer. For instance, I’ve just knock… Continue Reading →
It happens because when ansible close it’s ssh connection, and when the ssh connection is closed the kernel sends SIGHUP to the controlling process of the ssh connection. But when executing, the java process will receive the SIGHUP and… Continue Reading →
This happens when you use the become directive, for instance: The documentation says two things: The become_user set to user with desired privileges — the user you become, NOT the user you login as. Does NOT imply become: yes, to… Continue Reading →
The Oracle XE database is for test and development purposes. Oracle Database XE Release 21c is the developer edition of the industry-leading relational database server. The Oracle XE Database server Docker image contains Oracle Database Express Edition Release 21c (… Continue Reading →
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