Software &> Sysadmin &> Devops &> SRE

Author nicodevlog

Management of permissions on a mount point with Linux SGID and Linux group + ansible example

For the purpose of this article, I give you an existing context. Imagine you have one server that is an NFS server, and that shares a directory that we have named /heapdump Now imagine you have ten other linux… Continue Reading →

Error 500 after securing your wazuh installation

if you follow the step-by-step guide to install wazuh, you will also get to the step “securing your wazuh installation” in which a command is provided to replace all the default passwords: Then if you go back to your dashboard… Continue Reading →

Ansible: Your shell command is executed slightly differently under ansible

You ansible shell command is executed slightly differently from what you could write manually inside your linux console.For instance the following command executed manually will display nothing. But the same command with ansible will display itself: The reason is that… Continue Reading →

Software developers how to easily test the sending of email inside your applications

Use docker mailDev Then in your application you can configure the following smtp server localhost with smtp port 1025 localhost:1025 All the email you send will not go outside of your computer, but they will go inside the docker… Continue Reading →

Ansible shell execution: no environment variable are loaded

When you execute shell script with ansible module, bash is invoked as a non-interactive login shell. Consequently, environment variables from the user are not loaded. If you execute man bash, you’ll see: The solution is juste to explicitly load… Continue Reading →

dkim=none (message not signed) when emails sent not locally

You’ve configured opendkim for your smtp server but when clients use your smtp servers emails are not signed. By default opendkim trust only local host, you have to specified all the host to trust. Uncomment the following line in opendkim.conf:… Continue Reading →

How detect that an email sent by your application has been opened

Currently there is no 100% reliable solution, but the most “reliable” solution is the one used by email marketing platforms such as MailChimp, MailJet, SendInBlue and so on. Thus it is a question of sending an email in HTML format… Continue Reading →

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kqd-objerror$], …

Do you have this kind of error message ? It means that one or more object is invalid. And in the error message you have the object name causing this error and then you can find the ids of instances… Continue Reading →

Docker: LAMP development environment with XDebug + VSC ready to use! (a pampered container) – Part 5 – Conclusion

Conclusion Let’s sum up what we’ve achieved: Also remember that we have placed our different files related to the docker part inside a .devcontainer/ folder at the root of our PHP project which allows you to put it in a… Continue Reading →

Docker: LAMP development environment with XDebug + VSC ready to use! (a pampered container) – Part 4 – debug in Visual Studio Code

Introduction to VSC: Visual Studio Code Maybe you don’t know VSC? Don’t panic, team Bichon will introduce you to him. Visual Studio Code is a free, extensible, open source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. This… Continue Reading →

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