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Category Linux

Management of permissions on a mount point with Linux SGID and Linux group + ansible example

For the purpose of this article, I give you an existing context. Imagine you have one server that is an NFS server, and that shares a directory that we have named /heapdump Now imagine you have ten other linux… Continue Reading →

Error 500 after securing your wazuh installation

if you follow the step-by-step guide to install wazuh, you will also get to the step “securing your wazuh installation” in which a command is provided to replace all the default passwords: Then if you go back to your dashboard… Continue Reading →

Ansible shell execution: no environment variable are loaded

When you execute shell script with ansible module, bash is invoked as a non-interactive login shell. Consequently, environment variables from the user are not loaded. If you execute man bash, you’ll see: The solution is juste to explicitly load… Continue Reading →

Start/Stop windows services from shell script on linux server

Context: you have a shell script running on a linux server and you want this shell script be able to stop or start services on a windows server Windows: Create a local administrator Create a local administrator that we call… Continue Reading →

Do not trust chatGPT answers

Just be careful, chatGPT is a black box, you don’t know how it resolves your question. Furthermore on a question when you lack some knowledge, your no able to evaluate the quality of the answer. For instance, I’ve just knock… Continue Reading →

Tomcat start with ansible doesn’t work, tomcat starts but process doesn’t stay active

It happens because when ansible close it’s ssh connection, and when the ssh connection is closed the kernel sends SIGHUP to the controlling process of the ssh connection. But when execution, the java process will receive the SIGHUP and… Continue Reading →

Start your oracle database server on linux boot: declare your database server as a systemd service

A systemd service define an application than can be managed by systemd, thus it enables you to start your database on linux boot and also to shut it down on linux shutdown.Furthermore it allows other systemd services to wait for… Continue Reading →

Can’t start my application as a service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=217/USER

Maybe you specify the wront user or group in your systemd service. Or another case, rare, that I’ve met in my work place: your application is executed by the forbidden uid / gid: 65535 So what you can do with… Continue Reading →

Python ImportError: No module named Tkinter for python source compiled

You can find a lot about this error on internet, but most often they are the simplest answers using package manager to install the missing module. But it’s not always the solution. Firstly, why do you need tkinter? Do you… Continue Reading →

OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) 2022, extends the size of your block storage and apply it to your partition on Linux

The following examples treat the case of a traditionnal partitionning. If you use Logical Volume Manager (LVM) it will be as easy than this but I’ll describe it in an another post. First, extend your block storage In OCI dashboard,… Continue Reading →

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