Note book to help you and me remember some tricks

Category shell script

Shell script special variables ordered by frequency of used

$n Where n is a positive integer and takes values from 1 to a greater value not restricted. n correspond to the position of an argument givent to a script or to a function $? Exit status of the last… Continue Reading →

Why CRLF on Linux can sometimes be displayed as ^M with line feed?

Firstly, it’s good to remember these following points: CR is for Carriage Return LF is for Line Feed On windows line endings are represented by CRLF (CR+LF) On Linux line endings are represented by LF In a shell script you… Continue Reading →

Send an email on Linux with CLI or shell script without installing anything (no ssmtp required)

Prerequisites Basic example without encoding headers Case of an existing SMTP server without authentication ( can be replaced by the domain name of your smtp server or its IP address): At the end you can see “\nSubject: TEST send mail… Continue Reading →

Shell script – Variables evaluation : display line endings \n and don’t cut your parameter function

How to pass string with several words and line endings \n as a parameter to a function Solution : Second test rst test : $myvar will be replaced by it’s value that contains a lot of words with spaces and… Continue Reading →

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