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Docker: LAMP development environment with XDebug + VSC ready to use! (a pampered container) – Part 3 – start your containers

mod_deflate.conf In the folder .devcontainer/docker/ you have created an empty file called mod_deflate.conf. Here are the contents to put in this file: We will explain its usefulness in the chapter “Dockerfile” just after the definition of the Dockerfile. This file… Continue Reading →

Docker: LAMP development environment with XDebug + VSC ready to use! (a pampered container) – Part 2: your PHP project

Your PHP project on which you want to develop Objective: create a simple php project that is representative of a PHP project you might be working on. This project will serve as a support for the rest of the tutorial…. Continue Reading →

Docker: LAMP development environment with XDebug + VSC ready to use! (a pampered container) – Part 1 – Advantages and disadvantages

NOTE: This blog post was first posted in 2019 on another blog site. Fed up with setting up an environment at each project startup? You change your PC, and you have to reinstall everything? Your development works on your PC… Continue Reading →

==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units ====

You are on a CentOS server, connected as a non-root user, for example here as the user owner of the tomcat installation folder, let’s call it mytomcatuser. And when you want to stop tomcat using the systemd tomcat.service then you… Continue Reading →

Security headers in your web site

You can scan your website here (don’t forget to check ‘hide result’): Then add the following code to your .htaccess or directly inside de server configuration file if you have access to it: Now it’s better:

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: share a block storage between node with OCFS2

A regular filesystem is not intended to be mounted on more than one server at a time. And doing otherwise can lead to serious inconsistencies, damaging its logical structure. For instance, being unaware of each other’s activities, two servers may… Continue Reading →

Detect Active Directory users password expiration and send a reminder email

The following code must be executed as administrator on your active directory server:

Start/Stop windows services from shell script on linux server

Context: you have a shell script running on a linux server and you want this shell script be able to stop or start services on a windows server Windows: Create a local administrator Create a local administrator that we call… Continue Reading →

expdp / impdp causes Oracle segmentation fault (core dumped)

This error is caused because of a malformed command line impdp / expdp. Also it depends on your oracle server version, in recent oracle servers you will probably have less problem with the pattern combination. For instance you have several… Continue Reading →

Do not trust chatGPT answers

Just be careful, chatGPT is a black box, you don’t know how it resolves your question. Furthermore on a question when you lack some knowledge, your no able to evaluate the quality of the answer. For instance, I’ve just knock… Continue Reading →

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